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Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch, Book Review

Writer: Queen VQueen V

Updated: Mar 18, 2021


Chills, just chills. I'm obsessed...I absolutely loved this book

5✨ Snow Like Ashes follows Meira, an orphaned sixteen-year-old girl, and her band of refugees as they attempt to reclaim their conquered kingdom Winter, from the clutches of the evil king of the kingdom of Spring. Ok…I adored this, I loved the characters, world-building, everything! I read this book in less then two days. It was just to hooking to put down. This is definitely a new favorite of mine. The world-building was great. With all the different kingdoms, peoples, and names. It wasn’t confusing, but wasn’t basic. I loved the descriptions of the different lands. It seemed so magical and real I thought the pacing was quite good. It was a bit slow at times, but never boring. Characters: “You may have me trapped in this.” I tug him off me. “But you aren’t the first man to underestimate me, so may I advise you to start treating me with a little more respect…” Meira: One of the things that surprised me was how much I liked the MC. Usually I’m either extremely annoyed with them, or I just don’t care for them. But the MC of this book was Meira and I loved her. She was badass, sarcastic and awesome, but she still had her flaws and wasn’t perfect. I loved her narration and character development. And how you could see her changing into a better character as the story progressed. “Fear is a seed that, once planted, never stops growing." “Sir”/William: Before I say anything about his character, can we agree that “Sir” is one of the worst character names. Like Sir- what? Why is it just “Sir”? Why can’t you just call him William!? Anyways Sir is the gruff mentor character of the book. He’s the one the MC is trying to empress with her skills, but no matter how much she try’s he’s just as unimpressed and gruff as always. I thought he was a good and necessary character. And I grew fonder of him as the story went on. Mather: He’s the crown prince of Winter, and has feelings for Meira (I don’t have anything else to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) There are more main characters but I’m to lazy and I don’t want to give anything away Now every book has that one thing and for this book…*sigh* and it’s a love triangle. But the thing that’s so painful about this one is that both of the love interests are amazing. And it’s so conflicting. One chapter you’re shipping this couple and the next you’re shipping the other. I thought the first half definitely better then the second. As it really got you invested in the story, and very exciting. The second half was still good but not as exciting. But! I would still highly recommend this book to anyone! Seriously go read it now!!



Apr 04, 2021

I'm obsessed with this book too!!!!!!!!! thxs so much for posting this!! I ship Meira and Mather so hard!

Queen V
Queen V
Apr 05, 2021
Replying to

AHHH Its so underrated!! I'm still reading the second book and I don't know who to ship😭


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