Hehehe. In all honestly, I am kinda nervous for this month.
I completely failed on my TBR last month. Since I read, uh....one book [yes I said one] from my TBR. To be fair, I was just coming out of a slump [ew] so I kinda just read whatever I felt like at the moment. So I would randomly start a book, and then just read around quarter of it till I wasn't in the mood anymore.
Do I have a lot of books on my 'currently reading' pile?
If you guessed 'yes' you would be correct.
And even though I wasn't in a slump last month, I read less books then I did the month I was in a slump (???) It's probably because I binged quite a few audiobooks at the end of March. So I kinda feel like they could count for April.
But anyways, this is my ✨MAY TBR✨ *jazz hands*

I'm extremely excited to read this, since it's been on my TBR for quite some time. And it won the May BOTM in a group I'm in, so I finally have a chance to read it!
The Queen of Hearts is one of my favorite characters of all frickin time, and I'm allured to read this retelling. [plus it's by Marissa Meyer, what could go...wrong?]
Winter (TLC#4) ~ Marissa Meyer

[and in my opinion, this is the prettiest of the TLC covers]
Renegades ~ Marissa Meyer

I'm going to buddy read this with a couple of friends this month.
One of my friends likes this series better than The Lunar Chronicles, and I look forward to compering them and just reading it in general.
Instant Karma ~ Marissa Meyer

Hehehe I know, another Marissa Meyer book. I don't know I just feel in the mood for this. I don't really read romance, but I thought I'd give this a try [because ya know...Marissa Meyer, so]
The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles #1) ~ Rick Riordan

Currently buddy reading this, and it's pretty good so far. Not as good as Percy Jackson and the Olympians, but still good. So far I like the characters and the plots pretty good.
I'm predicting this will be 3.5-4 stars, but we shall see.
The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #1) ~ Rick Riordan

Also currently buddy reading this. And I think it's okay so far. A bit slow at times, but still okay.
A Study In Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes #1) ~ Arthur Conan Doyle

Hehehehe I'm also currently reading this. Andddddd...well...it's okay I guess.
Defiantly not the best Sherlock Holmes I've read though. But I still like it.
Now those are my priorities, but these are some books that may or may not be read
[or maybe I'll throw away my TBR and just read these instead. I don't really know]
Inheritance Games ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Okay. But, no book deserves to have a cover this pretty-
Very, VERY excited for this one.
[I don't have anything else to say. Lets just admire the cover, shall we?]
Rebecca ~ Daphne du Maurier

I know, I know, this was on last months TBR.
I totally didn't read it because I found it intimidating pffffffft of course not.
[I really want to, but don't really want to read this at the same time 😭]
The Count of Monte Cristo (Manga Classics)

I may or may not be putting this on my May TBR because it's from the Library and due soon 👀
The Bad Beginning ~ Lemony Snicket

Ugh this has been on my TBR for such an incredibly long time. I really need to read it soon. And it may, perhaps be read this month.
Shadow and Bone ~ Leigh Bardugo

*cries in there's so much hype, especially with the new TV show, and I'm feeling serious FOMO, which is why it's now on my TBR*
*sigh* well. That's it folks!
That's my ✨May TBR✨ hehe
Yeah I'm probably not going to follow this list at all, am I?
Happy reading my dudes
~Veronica [Queen V]
Yes, IKR, I got the book with the new cover and LOVED it!
I didn't know you were on Wix, Brooke, do you have a blog BTW? I made one here half a month ago!
y e s r e a d a s t u d y i n s c a r l e t
also i can confirm that your pile of books is pretty darn big
So much Marissa Meyer- it's beautiful *wipes tears*
Good luck!