*kicks down door*
Welcome to my first book tag!
This is a Star Wars inspired tag created by my fellow blogger friend, Brooke @The Reader’s Game. And Thanketh to Brooke for tagging me!! Also so sorry I'm so late in doing this.
Here's her original post:
Thank the person who tagged you
Link back to original post
Tag around 10 people
Have fun
I am so excited to do this one for hehehe as you might know, I AM A HUGE STAR WARS FAN.
I not only ~love~ the show The Mandalorian, I also love the culture, people, and planet of Mandalore. Plus Boba Fett is one of my favorite bounty hunter's ever.
But without further ado, ✨The Boba Fett Book Tag✨
✧Lightspeed Skipper ~ A character who is constantly on the run✧
Janner ~ Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson

Ahhhh JANNER one of my favorite characters of all frickin time 😌
Doing this tag reminded me of all the books I really need to reread.
I feel like I haven't read The Wingfeather Saga in forever, *glances over to the pile of books I haven't read yet* but maybe I'll get to it eventually.
Though...now thinking it over, I low-key don't want to reread it because it destroyed my soul 😀👍(the last book especially)
✧Razor Crest ~ A character who has a spaceship✧
Peter Quill {Star-Lord} ~ Guardians of the Galaxy comics
Uhhh I actually don't read that much Sci-Fi so I literally have no ideas.

I don't know if this will count but Peter Quill aka Star-Lord from the Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
It’s in the comics, which I’ve read by the way, and comics are kinda books. I mean it’s ‘comic books’ so it counts right? Right?
hehe ANYWAY yeah I think the ship, the Milano is pretty cool.
It reminds me a lot of the Millennium Falcon and The Rampion. It's a slightly junky ship, but extremely loved by its owner and by fans.
✧Darth Vader ~ A villain who always hides their face✧
Queen Levana ~ The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Ah Queen Levana where do I start?
I know a lot of people like Queen Levana, but honestly, I don't like her.
She's a good villain, but not a likable villain to me. I don't know why, but that's just the way it is with me. *please don't murder me Levana stans*
{this has nothing to do with anything, but isn't this fan art beautiful}
✧Ex-Imperial ~ A character who is not what they seem✧
Tobias ~ The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Oh Tobias *sigh*
Tis a love-hate relationship with this character. Sometimes he's great and sometime...he's not.
This tag is hard because I don't know what to write without spoiling everything.
Does this happen to anyone else? Like not just tags but reviews, HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO TELL PEOPLE HOW GREAT/BAD IT WAS IF I CAN'T EVEN SAY WHAT HAPPENED?!?
but I digress.
✧Mando ~ A character tracking down something that was stolen✧
Meg ~ A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

In A Wrinkle in Time Meg goes on a mission to search for her father, who has been missing for sometime.
I love Meg, she such a strong character, but flawed as well. And she had to go through so much. In other words, she's badass.
This picture is Storm Reid in AWIT movie, and she is amazing. I know a lot of people didn't like the movie, but I personally loved it.
✧Young Boba Fett ~ A character who had a family member killed/taken/beaten before their eyes✧
Katniss ~ Hunger Games by Suzzane Collians

If you’ve read Mockingjay, you know the scene.
I can’t really say anything because spoilers.
✧Beskar ~ A character who wears armor/weapons✧
Aragorn ~ The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien

I could talk gush for hours on how much I love Aragorn’s sword.
"Very bright was that sword when it was made whole again; the light of the sun shone redly in it, and the light of the moon shone cold, and its edge was hard and keen. And Aragorn gave it a new name and called it Andúril, Flame of the West.”
-J.R.R Tolkien
Anduril, also know as the Flames of the West, is Aragorn’s sword from LotR.
Formerly known as Narsil, this sword has a great legacy. It was once the sword of King Elendil, who wielded it during the War of the Last Alliance, and was broken when he died.
Many years later it was forged again and given to Aragorn (I can’t say the reasons why because spoilers) And he wields it through the books.
don’t rant don’t rant don’t rant
Hey and I managed to find a picture with Aragorn and his Sword, quite the accomplishment. (by the way, this picture is from the LotR movies, which are fantastic)
✧Raised on Mandalore ~ A character who isn’t allowed to show their face✧
The Florid Sword ~ The Wingfeather Saga

The mysterious figure, The Florid Sword helps the Wingfeaters fight against the evil fangs. An anonymous fighter, who keeps the town of Dugtown safe from the vile fangs of dang.
I love this character, so full of mystery, and sarcastic too (which is always a plus in my book)
✧Unexpected docking ~ A character who joins a mission at a random point on the mission✧
Carswell Thorne ~ The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Thorne is possibly my favorite character in The Lunar Chronicles. I always love the 'comic relief' characters, and Thorne definitely is. He may even go on my 'Favorite Characters Of All Frickin Time' list, which is a accomplishment for character.
✧High bounty ~ A character in debt and/or on the run✧
Lester/Apollo ~ The Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan

In ToA the god Apollo gets punished by Zeus, by being transformed into a human and sent to earth to ~serve~ (don't worry this isn't spoilers, just a synopsis)
He's on the run from uh a lot of people. And well he's in debt to quite a few people as well, so he seemed the obvious choice for this tag.
And that's all the tags!
Here are the awesome folks I'm tagging:
✰Booksy @Booktasticly Amazing ~ https://www.booktasticallymazing.com
✰Katie @Wispering Pages ~ https://whisperingofpages.wordpress.com
✰A @ATheReadBlogs ~ https://athereaderofbooks.wixsite.com/athereader
✰Ritz @Living, Loving, Reading ~ https://livinglovingandreading.wordpress.com/home/
✰Lilly @Lilly's Little Library ~ https://lillyslittlelibrary288071774.wordpress.com
✰Shreya @Dragon's Wings and Bookish Things ~ https://emailsmily.wixsite.com/dragonwingsblog
And if you haven't watched anything Star Wars related...well maybe it's a sigh that you should watch it, as Brooke says.
but seriously GO WATCH IT NOW...
And that my dudes, is my first attempt to do a tag heh. It was so much fun to do! Thank you again for tagging me Brooke!
I'm thinking of making a Musicals/Broadway/Theater tag or a MCU (marvel cinematic universe) tag...hmmm what do ya think? should I do it?
That's all for now.
Stay epic, and happy reading.
~Veronica {Queen V}
Thank you for tagging me Queen V!! I love all your character choices and fanart!!! :)
WELL THIS IS EXCITING! I love the post as always :)
Now I shall attempt to do this tag
and find more than 2 blogger friends that I can tag...
The fanart and your choices matched so well ahhhhh!!
I would love to see you create a tag!! <3