Well hello hello hello, and welcome back to another episode of “Veronica has absolutely no self control when it comes to books.”
Because, yes, I just came back from another book haul.
As 30+ books stare at me from the corner where they have been put off till who knows when.
hehe ANYWAY these are the books I picked up.
A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen

I am ~very~ excited to read this, for Miss Nielsen is one of my favorite authors.
Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

This is my first book of Mr Sanderson's, and I’ve heard quite a bit of hype about him, so I look forward to reading this.
The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

This is the first book in the series Ranger’s Apprentice and I had been meaning to read it a while ago, but it got put off. Hopefully I’ll be able to read it in April.
Utopia by Thomas More

A book that’s been on my TBR for quite some time, Utopia is the selected book for March in a bookclub I’m in and I’ll probably be speed reading it to finish in time.
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

Another series that I have been wanting to read for a long time is A Series of Unfortunate Events. I have books 1-5 and I really look forward to reading this.
The Mandalorian by Joe Schreiber

A book adaptation of the Star Wars show, The Mandalorian.
Going to be buddy reading with a friend of my and I greatly look forward to it!
Defiantly on my April TBR.
Manga Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo

This is a manga adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
I haven’t actually read the original version, but I plan on doing so sometime in the future.
Manga Classics: Anna of Green Gables

Unlike The Count of Monte Cristo, I have previously read the original Anne of Green Gables. I do really love the story and I think the manga looks pretty good.
Manga Classics: Macbeth

One of the great things of the manga classics series is that the Shakespeare plays are the full original text, instead of abridged. I love Shakespeare and I’m extremely excited to read this illustrated version.
Manga Classics: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Yep, another manga classic. These really fuel my obsession love of Shakespeare.
And that's all for now my dudes!
Happy Reading!